
Stephen-Argyle Central

School board

Below is a list of school board members for the Stephen-Argyle Central school district. Please visit the district for more information and for the official list of school board members.
Superintendent: Dr. Christopher E. Mills
District Email: cmills@sac.k12.mn.us
Mailing Address: 500 School St, Stephen, MN 56757-0068
Phone: 218-478-3315
Katie Adolphson
Email: kmadolph11@gmail.com
Term ends: 12/31/2024
Dustin Grabowska
Email: dustin_grub@hotmail.com
Term ends: 12/31/2024
Sara Kazmierczak
Term ends: 12/31/2026
Rick Kroll
Email: rickk17@gmail.com
Term ends: 12/31/2026
Steve McGlynn
Email: steve.mcglynn@corteva.com
Term ends: 12/31/2024
Kari Rivard
Term ends: 12/31/2026
Shawn Rominski
Email: shawnr@sac.k12.mn.us
Term ends: 12/31/2026

Your legislators

Below is a list of state elected officials who represent the Stephen-Argyle Central school district. Not sure who represents you? Visit the State of Minnesota’s legislator finder and enter your address to find out what district you are in.
Senate District 1: Mark Johnson, R – East Grand Forks
• Email: sen.mark.johnson@senate.mn
• Phone: 651-296-5782
• Facebook: Senator.Mark.Johnson
• Twitter: @Senmarkjohnson
• Legislative aide: Rachel Bakke – 651-296-8660
House District 1A: John Burkel, R – Badger
• Email: rep.john.burkel@house.mn.gov
• Phone: 651-296-9635
• Facebook: RepJohnBurkel
• Twitter: @John_Burkel
• Legislative aide: Justin Brill – 651-296-5813

Local union affiliates

Education Minnesota Stephen/Argyle
President: Shawna Peterson
Email: shawnapeterson@sac.k12.mn.us
Field staff: Kevin Young
Email: Kevin.Young@edmn.org
Stephen-Argyle Central