
Get involved

Join us for our 2024 Fall Political Kick-Off!

Learn about our campaign and become a Worksite Action Leader

Join us online from 4:30-6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 10 for our second Fall Political Kick-Off. All Education Minnesota members interested in getting involved are invited!

This will be a great opportunity to learn more about our campaign, meet other educators already involved and become a trained Worksite Action Leader for your building. Please RSVP below for a spot on our virtual call.

Become a GOTV Leader!

Help your local build capacity and exercise political power

GOTV leaders will help coordinate 2024 worksite action leaders in their local in implementing the campaign plan at targeted worksites. They will also coordinate local union efforts with the statewide Education Minnesota campaign.

GOTV leaders will will be eligible to receive a stipend of $1,200 for leading this work from February-November 2024.

Become a Worksite Action Leader!

Help win generational change for our students and our profession by volunteering to help get-out-the-vote in your building as a Worksite Action Leader!

WALs are responsible for holding non-partisan voter engagement activities in your building sometime before Election Day and distributing non-partisan voter education materials about candidates with members in your building.

You will be coordinating with the GOTV leader in your local.