

School board

Below is a list of school board members for the Fridley school district. Please visit the district for more information and for the official list of school board members.
Superintendent: Dr. Kim Hiel
District Email: kim.hiel@fridley.k12.mn.us
Mailing Address: 6000 W Moore Lake Dr, Fridley, MN 55432
Phone: 763-502-5002
Abdisalam Adam
Email: abdisalam.adam@fridley.k12.mn.us
Phone: 763-502-5060
Term ends: 1/1/2024
Nikki Auna
Email: Carol.thornton@fridley.k12.mn.us
Phone: 763-502-5060
Term ends: 1/1/2026
Jake Karnopp
Email: jake.karnopp@fridley.k12.mn.us
Phone: 763-502-5060
Term ends: 1/1/2024
Ross Meisner
Email: ross.meisner@fridley.k12.mn.us
Phone: 763-502-5060
Term ends: 1/1/2026
Donna Prewedo
Email: Donna.prewedo@fridley.k12.mn.us
Phone: 763-502-5060
Term ends: 1/1/2024
Avonna Starck
Email: Avonna.starck@fridley.k12.mn.us
Phone: 763-502-5060
Term ends: 1/1/2026

Your legislators

Below is a list of state elected officials who represent the Fridley school district. Not sure who represents you? Visit the State of Minnesota’s legislator finder and enter your address to find out what district you are in.
Senate District 39: Mary Kunesh, DFL – New Brighton
View screening questionnaire
• Email: sen.mary.kunesh@senate.mn
• Phone: 651-296-4334
• Facebook: marykunesh4mn
• Twitter: @MaryKunesh9
• Legislative aide: Sami Rajab – 651-296-4334
House District 39A: Erin Koegel, DFL – Spring Lake Park
View screening questionnaire
• Email: rep.erin.koegel@house.mn.gov
• Phone: 651-296-5369
• Facebook: erinformn
• Twitter: @erinkoegel
• Legislative aide: Dan Dodge – 651-296-5807

Local union affiliates

Fridley Education Association
Phone: 6127889304
President: Phillip Boyd
Email: phillip.boyd@fridley.k12.mn.us
Field staff: Erin Azer
Email: Erin.Azer@edmn.org
Education Minnesota Fridley Custodians
Phone: (651) 703-5764
President: Joseph Hamm
Email: joseph.hamm@fridley.k12.mn.us
Field staff: Erin Azer
Email: Erin.Azer@edmn.org