

School board

Below is a list of school board members for the Fairmont school district. Please visit the district for more information and for the official list of school board members.
Superintendent: Andy Traetow
District Email: atraetow@fairmont.k12.mn.us
Mailing Address: 714 Victoria St Suite 103, Fairmont, MN 56031
Phone: 507-238-4234
Dan Brookens
Email: dbrookens@fairmont.k12.mn.us
Phone: 507-236-6868
Term ends: 12/31/2024
Michael Edman
Email: dellis@fairmont.k12.mn.us
Phone: 507-238-4333
Term ends: 12/31/2026
Nicole Green
Email: ngreen@fairmont.k12.mn.us
Phone: 507-399-3804
Term ends: 12/31/2024
Jen Harris
Email: jharris@fairmont.k12.mn.us
Phone: 507-236-8255
Term ends: 12/31/2026
Julie Laue
Email: jlaue@fairmont.k12.mn.us
Phone: 507-236-2106
Term ends: 12/31/2024
Mari Myren
Email: mmyren@fairmont.k12.mn.us
Phone: 317-410-0647
Term ends: 12/31/2026

Your legislators

Below is a list of state elected officials who represent the Fairmont school district. Not sure who represents you? Visit the State of Minnesota’s legislator finder and enter your address to find out what district you are in.
Senate District 22: Rich Draheim, R – Madison Lake
• Email: sen.rich.draheim@senate.mn
• Phone: 651-296-5558
• Facebook: rich.draheim
• Twitter: @SenatorDraheim
• Legislative aide: Tom Tschida – 651-296-1279
House District 22A: Bjorn Olson, R – Fairmont
• Email: rep.bjorn.olson@house.mn.gov
• Phone: 651-296-3240
• Facebook: RepBjornOlson
• Twitter: @bjornolsonmn
• Legislative aide: Karl Morton Badger – 651-296-4305

Local union affiliates

Education Minnesota Fairmont
Phone: (507) 430-5193
President: Kathleen Walker
Email: kwalker@fairmont.k12.mn.us
Field staff: Scott Allen
Email: Scott.Allen@edmn.org
Fairmont Educational Support Personnel
Phone: (507) 235-3244
President: Mary Jean Granheim
Email: mgranheim@hotmail.com
Field staff: Scott Allen
Email: Scott.Allen@edmn.org
Phone: (507) 526-5283
President: Kelly Sloneker
Email: kxsloneker@gmail.com
Field staff: Scott Allen
Email: Scott.Allen@edmn.org