
New York Mills

School board

Below is a list of school board members for the New York Mills school district. Please visit the district for more information and for the official list of school board members.
Superintendent: Blaine Novak
Mailing Address: 209 Hayes Ave, New York Mills, MN 56567
Phone: 218-385-2553
Derek Braukmann
Email: dbraukmann@nymills.k12.mn.us
Term ends: 12/31/2024
Kristina Ehnert
Email: kehnert@nymills.k12.mn.us
Term ends: 12/31/2024
Derek Geiser
Email: dgeiser@nymills.k12.mn.us
Term ends: 12/31/2026
Wendy Hetland
Email: whetland@nymills.k12.mn.us
Term ends: 12/31/2024
Amy Mursu
Email: amursu@nymills.k12.mn.us
Term ends: 12/31/2026
Teresa Pederson 
Email: tpederson@nymills.k12.mn.us
Term ends: 12/31/2024
Brian Schermerhorn
Email: bschermerhorn@nymills.k12.mn.us
Term ends: 12/31/2026

Your legislators

Below is a list of state elected officials who represent the New York Mills school district. Not sure who represents you? Visit the State of Minnesota’s legislator finder and enter your address to find out what district you are in.
Senate District 5: Paul Utke, R – Park Rapids
• Email: sen.paul.utke@senate.mn
• Phone: 651-296-9651
• Facebook: SenatorPaulUtke
• Twitter: @senutke
• Legislative aide: Bryce Hingst – 651-296-4196
House District 5A: Krista Knudsen, R – Lake Shore
• Email: rep.krista.knudsen@house.mn.gov
• Phone: 651-296-9918
• Facebook: kristaknudsenforhouse
• Twitter: @KristaForHouse
• Legislative aide: Mary Elizabeth Lonergan – 651-297-5603
Senate District 9: Jordan Rasmusson, R – Fergus Falls
• Email: sen.jordan.rasmusson@senate.mn
• Phone: 651-296-4875
• Facebook: rasmussonmn
• Twitter: @jordanrasmusson
• Legislative aide: Loren Dauer – 651-297-8070
House District 9B: Tom Murphy, R – Underwood
• Email: rep.tom.murphy@house.mn.gov
• Phone: 651-296-4946
• Facebook: TomMurphyforHouse
• Legislative aide: Diane Kerin – 651-296-9194

Local union affiliates

Education Minnesota New York Mills
Phone: (612) 270-9035
President: Angela Paavola
Email: apaavola@nymills.k12.mn.us
Field staff: Michelle Jensen
Email: Michelle.Jensen@edmn.org
New York Mills