
Fillmore Central

School board

Below is a list of school board members for the Fillmore Central school district. Please visit the district for more information and for the official list of school board members.
Superintendent: Heath Olstad
District Email: heath.olstad@isd2198.k12.mn.us
Mailing Address: PO Box 50, 700 Chatfield St, Preston, MN 55965
Phone: 507-886-6464
Aaron Bishop
Email: aaron.bishop@isd2198.k12.mn.us
Term ends: 12/31/2024
Craig Britton
Email: craig.britton@isd2198.k12.mn.us
Term ends: 12/31/2026
Jim Love
Email: jim.love@isd2198.k12.mn.us
Term ends: 12/31/2024
Jennifer Pickett
Email: jennifer.pickett@isd2198.k12.mn.us
Term ends: 12/31/2026
Deb Ristau
Email: deb.ristau@isd2198.k12.mn.us
Term ends: 12/31/2024
Susan Sikkink
Email: sue.sikkink@isd2198.k12.mn.us
Term ends: 12/31/2026
Shelly Topness
Email: shelly.topness@isd2198.k12.mn.us
Term ends: 12/31/2026

Your legislators

Below is a list of state elected officials who represent the Fillmore Central school district. Not sure who represents you? Visit the State of Minnesota’s legislator finder and enter your address to find out what district you are in.
Senate District 26: Jeremy Miller, R – Winona
• Email: sen.jeremy.miller@senate.mn
• Phone: 651-296-5649
• Facebook: SenatorJeremyMiller
• Twitter: @jeremyrmiller
• Legislative aide: Maureen Watson – 651-296-7193
House District 26B: Greg Davids, R – Preston
• Email: rep.greg.davids@house.mn.gov
• Phone: 651-296-9278
• Legislative aide: Alayna Smieja – 651-296-1915

Local union affiliate

Education Minnesota Fillmore Central
Phone: (507) 208-2322
President: Rebecca Mueller
Email: becky.mueller@isd2198.k12.mn.us
Field staff: Linda Pfeilsticker
Email: Linda.Pfeilsticker@edmn.org
Fillmore Central