

School board

Below is a list of school board members for the Barnum school district. Please visit the district for more information and for the official list of school board members.
Superintendent: Bill Peel
District Email:
Mailing Address: 3675 County Road 13, Barnum, MN  55707
Phone: 218-389-6978 x1001
Betty Anderson
Email: banderson@isd91.org
Term ends: 1/1/2027
Louis Bonneville
Email: bonneville@isd91.org
Phone: 218-391-0856
Term ends: 1/1/2025
Beth Dinger
Email: bdinger@isd91.org
Phone: 612-963-5586
Term ends: 1/1/2025
Steph Ferrin
Email: sferrin@isd91.org
Phone: 801-528-2283
Term ends: 1/1/2025
Jamie Fuglestad
Email: fuglestad@isd91.org
Phone: 218-206-5190
Term ends: 1/1/2025
Dawn Hultgren
Email: dhultgren@isd91.org
Term ends: 1/1/2027
Jessica Unkelhaeuser
Email: junkelhaeuser@isd91.org
Phone: 218-340-3881
Term ends: 1/1/2027

Your legislators

Below is a list of state elected officials who represent the Barnum school district. Not sure who represents you? Visit the State of Minnesota’s legislator finder and enter your address to find out what district you are in.
Senate District 11: Jason Rarick, R – Brook Park
• Email: sen.jason.rarick@senate.mn
• Phone: 651-296-1508
• Facebook: SenatorRarick
• Twitter: @jasonrarick
• Legislative aide: Karen Johnson – 651-296-0293
House District 11A: Jeff Dotseth, R – Kettle River
• Email: rep.jeff.dotseth@house.mn.gov
• Phone: 651-296-4308
• Facebook: JeffDotsethForStateRep
• Twitter: @dotseth_jeff
• Legislative aide: Danny Clifford – 651-296-5380

Local union affiliates

Barnum Federation of Teachers
Phone: 2183890012
President: Jill Litfin
Email: jlitfin@isd91.org
Field staff: Beth Anderson
Email: Beth.Anderson@edmn.org